When can I move in? How long does it take to sort out the paperwork?
Our doors will be opening December 2024. Once you have decided which apartment layout works for you, select your preferred move in date you’ll see all the apartments that are available.
Our leasing team are on hand and happy to help you select your ideal new home. Once you've picked your apartment, you'll be directed to the online portal. You’ll be prompted to pay the non-refundable application fee of $42.00 (per person, per application) and we’ll collect $500 (per apartment) to hold your apartment for you - this amount will be placed towards your total security deposit. Once credit and background checks are completed, we will happily draft up your lease contract to sign.
References and credit check's can take approximately a week to complete. After all details have been verified, you'll be ready to move in to the property.
We're not like your usual landlord or real estate agents. We aim to make the booking process smooth, and clearly communicate with you throughout.